Welcome to the Choose Life Project

We use the first-hand knowledge and experiences of recovered drug users to educate young people and professionals on the dangers of Class A drugs. We go into schools with recovered addicts and teach the pupils about the pitfalls of substance abuse, with the addict’s own experiences offering a powerful and cautionary voice about the risks that lie on the road to addiction.

Staying true to our roots we also work with prisons, and the police, to provide effective and memorable addiction education to inmates.

When the Choose Life Project was founded over 25 years ago drugs training of the time generally consisted of someone standing up in front of the class, showing some brown powder, and saying that that was what an illegal drug looked like! There was in general very poor training and knowledge regarding addiction, and police officers simply were not equipped with the skills or experience they needed to properly handle the large number of drug users they would be arresting. In HMP Liverpool in the late 80s education around substance misuse was non-existent, and there wasn’t even a poster on the wall or any other form of support for the inmates.

There is no-one better to educate and inform about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse than someone who has been there and experienced it all for themselves. Hearing about their often harrowing and emotional pasts, and the sequence of events that led to their growing addiction, instils a raw and forceful warning into the class that simply cannot be acquired from any other means.

“It can really change your mindset and not just look at

one thing one way, and actually put yourself in somebody else's shoes”

Ashanti / Level 3 Health and social care student

We have trained over six thousand professionals including the police recruits of Merseyside, Lancashire, Cheshire, North Wales and Greater Manchester Police.  We have also trained people from such diverse fields as Social Work, Probation, Psychology, Criminal Justice, Park Wardens, Job Centre Plus and various national and regional charities.

We could tell you ourselves about the impact our fully trained volunteers have in educating around the issue of addiction, but we would rather our clients did. Our Testimonials from Professionals, Testimonials from Teachers and Testimonials from Young People pages display some of the positive feedback we have received from our professional clients and school classes over the years.

Choose Life Project offers the voice of wisdom and experience to addicts, or those who may one day become addicts, so contact us today and let us give you the help you need!


“It is amazing. Hearing the stories about the way in which people have to pay for their drug habits. You don’t realise things like this go on."

Carla Martin, Lancashire Constabulary

“Thank you so much for the amazing day on the choose life project. It's really made a difference to my prospect on life now thanks so much”

Katie, 16, Slough

“Every pupil in school who saw the Choose Life Project was clearly affected by the messages delivered through this powerful event”

Mark Christian, Head Teacher, Liverpool

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