Testimonials from Young People

What do young people think of Choose Life?

We have educated well over five thousand young people all over the North West and Wales. We have worked with students in schools, colleges, youth clubs, pupil referral units, behavioural units and youth offending teams. The feedback has always been excellent, and it must be remembered all the young people went home and took time out of their evening to write these comments. 

Here is a small sample of the literally hundreds of testimonials that they have sent to us over the years:

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“When I heard that you were coming to our school to talk about drugs, I didn’t really know what to expect. What we usually get is some guy from the police force giving us a power point presentation and repeating the phrase ‘Don’t do drugs.. they’re bad for you’, and stuffing us with facts and figures. What I most certainly did not expect was being introduced to three ex-drug addicts. I must say, I admire their strength to share their stories and experiences with us. No, I don’t know the effects drugs can have on someone’s life, but I can understand that they are addictive and can take over someone’s life. Therefore, I was so surprised to see these three volunteers who started doing drugs from young ages, still alive and well, wanting to change their lifestyle and ensure a better future for young people like us. I must also say, that I was very touched when one of the volunteers said ‘If I could save one of your lives today, I’d be happy.’

I just wanted to thank you for opening our eyes and sharing the real experiences of taking drugs.

Thank you ever so much, and keep up the excellent work!! (:”


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“I could watch the play again and again, its amazing, funny, sad, moving, interesting, very informative, and to keep our young people so quiet is a great achievement! You have made a big impact on all of us, made us think about life and how any one of us could be affected by the issues raised in the play. The actors are amazing, and so brave to have the courage to stand up and speak about their own experiences. It makes us all realise how lucky we are and how easy it is to lose our way in life. Comments off all our young people are very positive, “it was very good and interesting” “it was funny,and i learnt a lot” “the play was boss and it made me understand more about drugs and prison life” “the play had a big effect on me and has improved my knowledge of drugs” “good information, helpful, and interesting” “changed my thoughts on drugs,showed me what lengths drugs can bring you to and thought it was presented well” “changed my opinion on drugs, and drug addicts” “it was good to hear how it felt to be involved in drugs and that they told us about their own personal lives” Thanks to you all for sharing your experiences with us, you should all be really proud of yourselves, its a great thing you are doing”.

Well done!!!!

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“Thanks to Shawn, Paula, Julie and Steve for a great presentaion and a real life account of the dangers of addiction. It was honest, to the point and very informative. An inspirational and well executed presetation. I loved it. Keep up the good work and best of luck for the future”.

Thank you Choose Life!!

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“Hey, urm just wanted to say thank you for coming to Glan Clwyd.. It was a real eye opener and i learnt so much. It made me realise how lucky i am and it made me realise how sorry these people are, and how they live they’re lives in regret. It showed me how little i actually new about drugs and before this project came to our school. And no doubt sometime in the future i would have come across drugs. And i wouldn’t have known any better but now i do.. And thank you so much for opening up my eyes and helping me to see life in colour for once. What you are doing is such a great thing for teenagers.. Keep up the good work (: xx”

Well Done

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“Thanx very much i liked it very much and it made me not h8 drug users instead it made me feel sympathetic and feel lucky”.


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“Thanks to Shawn, Paula, Julie and Steve for a great presentation and a real life account of the dangers of addiction. It was honest, to the point and very informative. An inspirational and well executed presentation. I loved it. Keep up the good work and best of luck for the future”.

Excellent work

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