Choose Life Complaints Procedure
Choose Life makes every effort to maintain a professional standard in its two supported houses and in all its addiction education events.
So if you are a resident in one of our two houses, a choose life volunteer, a Teacher where Choose Life has delivered in an educational establishment or any adult that believes Choose Life has let these standards drop, then this is the procedure to make an official complaint.
If you are a child (under sixteen) we believe its best if you take your complaint to your Teacher, Youth Worker or person in authority at your establishment.
In the first instance we believe you should take your complaint to your Choose Life Manager which would be ;
Choose Life Supported Houses
5 Robarts Road Anfield L4 0TY
Steve Duffy 07809687762
25 Sybil Road Anfield L4 0RR
If you do not feel happy with the way your complaint has been handled, you have every right to take this complaint tom our board of trustees by e mailing the Choose Life board of Trustees @
None of the Choose Life staff has access to this e mail account.
Our aim is to confirm your complaints e mail within seven days and give you a formal reply within forty days (to give time to set up a formal Steering Committee.
If you are not happy with the Choose Life Board of Trustees decision you can go to the Charity Commission @;
We are sorry that you have found the need to go through our complaints procedure, but be sure we will use your feedback, whatever that is to ensure if changes need to be made to our protocols, they will be.
Thanking you,
Steve Duffy,
Project Manager
Choose Life the Prisoners Initiative